You should never underestimate the power some new soft furnishings for windows can give to a room as they will give your chosen room will have a fresh new look.
Good quality curtains and blinds do not come cheap so it is in your best interests to do a bit of research before you start shopping eco friendly curtains.
If you decide that curtains are the soft furnishings for windows you want to go for then you will first need to decide whether to have them made to order or whether you want to buy them off the shelf. If you are in a hurry then readymade curtains are the quickest and easiest choice. There are some wonderful readymade curtains available on the market and you can pick yourself a plain cotton pair of curtains for about £9.50. If you have a slightly bigger budget then you should definitely go for a pair of lined curtains as they will help to keep a room dark when the curtains are closed.
Curtains that are made to measure are always going to more expensive than readymade curtains but you have to keep in mind that the sky is the limit when it comes to the colours as well as the designs that you can choose from. Make sure you factor in the cost of the lining as well as the cost of making the curtains. You should be able to get a swatch of fabric from the company so you can check to see that the material matches your decor before you order them.
Some people now choose to make their own soft furnishings for windows and the golden rule when doing this is to be generous with the fabric. There is nothing worse than looking at skimpy curtains. Also make sure you check and double check your measurements are correct before you cut the fabric.
The trend for soft furnishings for windows is moving away from a fussy look and moving towards a more tailored approach. Eyelet curtains are perfect for this kind of look as they are hung from the pole and give a sleeker look that you cannot really get from the more traditional pencil pleat curtains. There are also not fiddly clips or hooks to worry about.
Before you choose a pattern for your soft furnishings for windows you will need to take a good look at your room’s current color scheme. If you have too many different coolers and patterns you will only end up creating a busy and distracting look in your room. To create a relaxing atmosphere you should match patterned curtains with plain walls or vice versa. You can always add to plain curtains by embellishing them with beaded tie backs or even use coloured glass poles.