Pre Nursery schools

Pre nursery school educational institution is for children of below two years of age. It is distinguishable from a day nursery in that it serves children of both working and nonworking parents, rarely receives public funds, and has as its primary objective to promote the social and educational adjustment of children, rather than to provide a daytime child-care service.

Literacy starts with watchful eyes and ears ready to learn. In pre nursery school learning to read, is also learning to listen as well as communicate which is enormous for the children as well as their teachers, for anyone to ignore and think nursery school children are there just to play, eat and sleep. The early reading of a child cannot be possible without an adult to guide and direct him or her.

Children’s competences frequently are linked to their experiences from the early months or years at school. Very common experiences at first sight are of great importance because they awaken children to the universe of thinking and eventually wanting to read and then wanting to understand, all these are paths leading to the road to literacy.The Academy Preschool

Even those at the pre-nursery and nursery have something to learn each day; they have not only singing and rhythm recitations but local brain-building materials used in their periodical sessions.

Pre nursery schools may be public or private, and may be run by the state, the local community, the local church, a company employer, or a business-for-profit enterprise. Like day care facilities, the hours of care provided by nursery schools tend to begin early and end late in order to accommodate the schedules of busy parents.

The accepted ages in nursery schools will often vary depending upon the physical layout of the school building. Nursery schools large enough to provide an established baby unit separate from a unit for older children will, obviously, are able to accept a wider age range as well as provide a preschool-style educational curriculum.

Privately-run facilities will often offer preschool and nursery school in one building. While this is certainly convenient for parents, it is often costly and many facilities carry long waiting lists. Many of the larger nursery schools will accept children up until they must enroll in kindergarten and, while these are not officially considered to be certified pre nursery schools, they do provide the same structured curriculum. These facilities offer longer care hours and typically cost less than a separate preschool program.

The curriculum goals of a pre nursery school are more specific than for childcare, but less strenuous than for primary school.

At the elementary classes the children are exposed to many things, and at home, like in school, they should be encouraged to speak, even though this is usually a chorus but it, in a long run has positive impact.

As pre nursery schools in India gain popularity, everyone seems to be jumping at the idea of opening a pre nursery school. So, it comes as no wonder that pre nursery schools seem to spring up from everywhere.

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