Dog Trainer – A Trained Dog is the Best Dog

During the summer, my husband and I decided to adopt a dog. We went to a shelter and got the cutest black and white Shih Tzu that we named Cookie because of the black circle around his left eye. Leaving the adoption center, we were on cloud nine. We couldn’t wait to get home and play with our new puppy dog toy. It was all so simple, so blissful, until we actually got home and Cookie jumped up on the couch and peed. We were suddenly brought back down to earth as we realized we had to train our puppy…and we desperately needed help Dog trainer near me.

We looked up some dog training centers in the area and even interviewed the trainers. We wanted to be sure that the trainer would treat our dog well and not scare or hurt him in the process. We had seen how trainers on the television would shout or hit the dogs and we did not agree with that method of training. Luckily, we found a trainer who was willing to come to our home and help train the dog there because Cookie would be more comfortable there.

The dog trainer was very confident, stern and understanding with Cookie. He never got impatient or threatened to hit him. As he trained Cookie, the trainer told us step by step what he was doing and explained the reasons for everything that he did. After he did the exercise with the dog, the trainer would give my husband and me a chance to try out the technique. He listened to what we had to say, answered our questions and even suggested things for us to consider that we, as new dog owners never thought of.

Getting a dog trainer has been one of the best things that I could have done for Cookie. I am now confident that Cookie won’t wet the couch or tear up my shoes when I’m not home. He knows that if he’s good then he’ll get a treat or if he’s bad, he’ll get a very stern “No”. I have recommended all new dog owners to get a dog trainer because they will teach you how to care for and love your dog and at the end of the day, all you really want is to love your best friend.

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