5 dog training techniques you should know

Let’s start by talking about why it is important to train your canine and the reasons that may make you make this decision. The first thing you should know is that when we talk about training, we are indirectly referring to the need to improve some aspects of your canine’s behavior, either because it has acquired bad habits or because you want to prevent it from acquiring bad habits Houston dog training for aggressive dogs.

So the first thing you should ask yourself is why you should take your canine to a trainer, if you want to eliminate or prevent it from continuing to behave in a certain way. Once the above has been defined, it will be much easier for you to define which technique should be used according to the need or aspect that you want to resolve.

What dog training techniques exist?
Surely, you will be able to find information about many other techniques, however, on this occasion, we are going to share with you the 5 that have been most implemented in the world and that have brought better results to the owners of canines in trouble.

So read carefully, remember that this information will be very helpful in defining, depending on your pet’s personality, which method they will feel most comfortable with.

  1. Behavioral training: in this first category the objective is to improve your dog’s own and natural behaviors under a leader figure that you will assume, in which you will demonstrate your position of power and will, through clear commands and instructions, make it heed. to all the instructions you give him. Your mission will be to guide his behavior using language that is easy for your furry friend to understand.
  2. Positive training: this is an effective technique that protects your dog from any type of punishment, as it focuses mainly on showing him which of his behaviors are appropriate through stimulation or rewards. To make this technique effective, you must show him your affection or give him objects that make him happy (such as cookies or toys) once he behaves correctly.

And what happens when he misbehaves? What you should do is deprive him of that reward and clearly communicate to him that he has done things wrong. You and I know that he will understand you.

  1. Conditioning training: This is commonly known as Clicker training, which is a device that, when pressed, emits a sound that is the sign that you have done something correctly and deserve a reward. In this way, as long as your furry friend behaves according to the established rules, you or the trainer will sound the Clicker and the little one will run away in search of his prize or token of affection.
  2. Mirror technique: this training method is much simpler than it seems, as it consists of your dog learning by example. And this is achieved by placing him in the same area with another previously trained dog so that he can analyze his behavior, in this way you can teach him what is correct.
  3. Mixed training: this method is mainly based on mixing different techniques, but said selection is not made at random, but must be made based on your dog’s personality, its tastes and, logically, its needs.

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