5 tips to find the best translation agencies

The success of your global advertising campaign depends largely on the quality of your translation service. This is because poorly translated content and language errors will alienate your audience and damage your image. But how do you know if a translation agency will give you the results you are looking for? We present five tips to help you obtain high-quality translation services traduzione giurata online.

  1. Communicate clearly with your supplier, and demand the same in return
    Have you ever heard two people trying to solve a problem, but they both talk at the same time and don’t come to a solution? That’s exactly what happens when you try to translate your content for an international audience, but your translator doesn’t cooperate. The result? Your advertising team grinds to a halt and you start missing deadlines.

Translation is just one of many steps to achieving your international advertising goals. Mistakes and delays along the way can jeopardize your efforts. This is why a reliable translation service will keep you informed from start to finish, and will seek to go beyond your expectations, regardless of the complexity of the project.

  1. Start with a firm foundation
    Your translation projects begin with a comprehensive consultation of the process, from glossary management to file formats, to lines of text and the frequency of reports. No one likes mid-process surprises, like being told that your ad copy will expand by up to 40% when translated into French and there won’t be enough room to fit it on one page. When your account executive is responsible for knowing every element of your project, you will save time, money, and worry.
  2. Use the right technology
    Delays caused by outdated technology are costly and frustrating. Finding a translation service that coordinates seamless integration with your technology platforms will save you headaches in the long run. The provider must have the necessary tools to integrate with their platforms and be able to send the content from the translators to you without any problems. Hiring an agency with the best high-tech services leads to greater efficiency and improves the chances of project success.
  3. Know the services behind the cost
    Consumers face this decision every day: get the cheapest service possible, but pay more in the long run? Or, pay for quality work up front and get good results the first time? It is the same situation with translation agencies. If the per-word rate sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Watch for red flags, and ask different people within your company to review rates and services. Look for hidden fees, and make sure the entire process is transparent to ensure value and quality.
  4. Request samples and references
    When considering a translation service, request a sample. A legitimate translation company will offer you samples that will give you a clear picture of the skills of their translators, and of the entire company. Ask how the company holds itself accountable throughout the translation process. And no, it’s not overkill to ask for status reports, as these will help you monitor overall performance.

A quality agency, like a quality employee, will be able to present you with references. Feedback from previous clients can provide insight into the agency’s performance, accountability, technical platforms, and overall value.

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